Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Days 1-7

I know i am starting this 7 days late, but why not do 7 days all at once!

Day 1:
I am thankful for my parents. No matter how many times I screw up or ask for money they are always there for me. When i have questions or call at 3am worried about my kids they always have time for me. and my mom is excellent at calming me down. Most recently when my daughter was having trouble breathing she was so patient with me, even when i was trying to get her to hear the way Bella was breathing through the phone. My parents are awesome.

Day 2:
I am thankful for my wonderful Kaleb Daniel Algar. He was my first baby. He was tiny and perfect and a little fighter from before he was born. He is wonderful. He is sweet and loving and always willing to give me a hug to make me feel better. He loves to talk and ask questions. I couldn't imagine my life without him.

Day 3:
I am thankful for Isabella AnnaMarie Algar. She is spunky and loves to smile. Possibly the happiest baby i have ever known. She doesn't like to talk but she has hand signals and gestures that's she figured out all by herself, it is adorable. She loves her brother and mimics everything he does. She is a joy to watch everyday. I cant wait to see the kind of adults my children grwo up to be.

Day 4:
I am thankful for Jacob. He never took a breath but he has changed my life more than anyone else. He has given me my lowest lows and he helping me reach a new high. He has helped me realize what i want to do with my life and how important it is to be there for people.

Day 5:
I am thankful for my pregnancies. I know this sounds weird but i learned alot from both of them. From my first one i learned to be strong. To be strong for my children. I learned that there is a strenghth in all of us that we dont know is there until we need it. From my second one i learned to not let fear rule my life. I spent that whole time terrified and I realized a few weeks after she was born that that isnt how i want to live and it isnt good for my kids. It gave me the courage to move forward and realize that moving on isnt forgeting him it is using his life to change the world, or maybe just one life.

Day 6:
I am thankful for the holiday season. I love Love LOVE novemeber and december. Thanksgiving is me second favorit holiday. I love all the food and the Macy's parade, i hope to one day go to New York and see it in person. I love cooking with my Mom and the mishaps we have while doing it. They make it wonderful. Christmas is my absolute favorite! Black friday shopping, the music, the lights, driving around aimlessly with Kaleb looking at lights every night...thats right every night we hit a new neighborhood. Walking through winterhaven drinking coffee. Christmas eve service singing christmas carols. Christmas day food family and lots of fun. Most importantly the reason for the season Baby Jesus!

Day 7:
I am thankful for my job. I love what i do. I love the people that live in the care home. They are all wonderful.

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