Monday, November 19, 2012

Days 18 & 19

Day 18
I am thankful for the weather channel. I am obsessed with weather. I love learning about it. I could keep the tv on the weather Channel all day and just listen to it while I am doing stuff. I hope to someday have a degree in atmospheric sciences and meteorology although at his point it is unrealistic. I will always love weather.

Day 19
I am thankful for the people who saw I was having a hard time who invited me to bible study and the people that befriended me there. For inviting me to their church and going out of their way to make my kids and I feel welcome. I know they don't know how much it meant to me. I am horribly shy and new situations and people are not easy for me. But you guys made me feel welcome and like I had friends. I wish I saw you guys more often hopefully soon I will be able to. You all are wonderful and this last 11 months would have been a lot harder without your friendship and wonderful example of how to live my life in Christ!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Light up purple!

So excited that for a third year in a row the Empire State Building will light up purple today in honor of world prematurity awareness day!!
My son was a premie and I know a few people who's babies were premature including a friend who's babies were born at 24 weeks and recently got to go home!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Days 13, 14, 15, 16 & 17

Day 13
I am thankful for the way my kids can make me feel better. My son is always willing to give me a hug or sit on the couch and snuggle. He is so sweet. He knows when I am down and he always try's to make me feel better. Bella is always full of smiles. She is a bright spot in whatever is going on. She is full of giggles and loves to play. She pretty much brightens any room she walks into.

Day 14
I am thankful for cool cloudy weather. It isn't rainy it is perfect park weather!

Day 15
I am thankful for the way God works in my life and the lives of people around me. He shows me I am making the right choices

Day 16
I am thankful for Black Friday. I look forward to it. It's the one time I love the crowds. Since having kids it has been hard to wait in line at 3 am. But this year I am determined to do it!

Day 17
I am thankful for Christmas cards! I love planning my Christmas cards. In stress about the picture of my kids that will go in it and making sure the card matches the picture an has the right message. I live receiving Christmas card also!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Days 11 & 12

Day 11:
I am thankful for Bella's nebulizer. Bella having asthma is a very new thing and I still get very scared when she has an asthma attack. She just seems so little and helpless. I am so thankful her doctor gave her a nebulizer. At 4am this morning she was wheezing and coughing, she sounded like she did Friday night when I took her to the ER. But this time I just took her downstairs and did a breathing treatment and she was ok. So today and everyday I will be thankful for her nebulizer.

Day 12:
I am thankful for coffee. My day starts the best when I have coffee. I sit and drink my coffee and watch the today show while the kids run around and play. It must have French vanilla cream and be really really hot. I love coffee dates with friends, I don't get them very often. Coffee helps me survive days when I have gotten no sleep or have sick kids that haven't slept. I LOVE being a mom, it is amazing, but i love it even more when I have coffee full of caffeine to drink to help me reach an energy level that is somewhat close to theirs. To sum it up: coffee makes my world go round :)

Friday, November 9, 2012

Days 8, 9, & 10

Day 8:

I am thankful for the tv show Glee. Yes, i know this is silly but i am. When life is overwhelming, which it often is right now, and i am exhausted there is just something wonderful about sitting down and watching a bunch of high school kids sing pop songs. It doesnt require me to think, i can just sit and enjoy it. It is my guilty pleasure once a week.

Day 9:

I am thankful for the people i work with. I really should have included this in day 7 but i was in a rush and ran out of time. They are great. They care about each other and go out of their way to help one another. They all truly care about the residents that live there and want only the best for them.

day 10:

I am thankful for a verse from the bible that taught me how to be gratful for what I have or what i had while i had it.

"...the Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord."

On my hardest days i think on this verse. I remember how blessed i was to have two beautiful little boys. One is here for me to hug and kiss every day the other is watching from heaven and i will use his life to change someone elses for the better.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

"light it up purple" National premature awareness day

November 17 2012 is national premature birth day. A group in Australia is asking landmarks around the world to light up purple in support of premature babies. Last year the Empire state building light up purple in support of national premature birth day it also did in 2010.  has a few articles on it being light up and it has a link to sign the petition to light the white house up purple in January. I signed it, I hope you do also.

My son was born 5 1/2 weeks premature. He was luckier than most because we knew i would go into labor early so at 28 weeks i was given steroid shots to help his lungs develop quicker. We wouldn't know for sure until he was born how much it had helped. Thanks to the shots his lungs were developed and he only spent 3 hours in the NICU. Most babies are not this lucky. Most parents don't have the advantage of knowing their baby will be early.

Please visit the march of dimes website and sign the petition.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Days 1-7

I know i am starting this 7 days late, but why not do 7 days all at once!

Day 1:
I am thankful for my parents. No matter how many times I screw up or ask for money they are always there for me. When i have questions or call at 3am worried about my kids they always have time for me. and my mom is excellent at calming me down. Most recently when my daughter was having trouble breathing she was so patient with me, even when i was trying to get her to hear the way Bella was breathing through the phone. My parents are awesome.

Day 2:
I am thankful for my wonderful Kaleb Daniel Algar. He was my first baby. He was tiny and perfect and a little fighter from before he was born. He is wonderful. He is sweet and loving and always willing to give me a hug to make me feel better. He loves to talk and ask questions. I couldn't imagine my life without him.

Day 3:
I am thankful for Isabella AnnaMarie Algar. She is spunky and loves to smile. Possibly the happiest baby i have ever known. She doesn't like to talk but she has hand signals and gestures that's she figured out all by herself, it is adorable. She loves her brother and mimics everything he does. She is a joy to watch everyday. I cant wait to see the kind of adults my children grwo up to be.

Day 4:
I am thankful for Jacob. He never took a breath but he has changed my life more than anyone else. He has given me my lowest lows and he helping me reach a new high. He has helped me realize what i want to do with my life and how important it is to be there for people.

Day 5:
I am thankful for my pregnancies. I know this sounds weird but i learned alot from both of them. From my first one i learned to be strong. To be strong for my children. I learned that there is a strenghth in all of us that we dont know is there until we need it. From my second one i learned to not let fear rule my life. I spent that whole time terrified and I realized a few weeks after she was born that that isnt how i want to live and it isnt good for my kids. It gave me the courage to move forward and realize that moving on isnt forgeting him it is using his life to change the world, or maybe just one life.

Day 6:
I am thankful for the holiday season. I love Love LOVE novemeber and december. Thanksgiving is me second favorit holiday. I love all the food and the Macy's parade, i hope to one day go to New York and see it in person. I love cooking with my Mom and the mishaps we have while doing it. They make it wonderful. Christmas is my absolute favorite! Black friday shopping, the music, the lights, driving around aimlessly with Kaleb looking at lights every night...thats right every night we hit a new neighborhood. Walking through winterhaven drinking coffee. Christmas eve service singing christmas carols. Christmas day food family and lots of fun. Most importantly the reason for the season Baby Jesus!

Day 7:
I am thankful for my job. I love what i do. I love the people that live in the care home. They are all wonderful.