Thursday, May 16, 2013

Blankets and Care Packages

Today I started sewing my first baby blanket for the care packages. I have been collecting fabric and spending hours on pinterest looking for blanket patterns I want to use. I tried to figure out how to use my Grandmothers sewing machine but didn't have much luck. So I finally got a new one. It isn't nearly as fancy as hers but I guess that is a good thing since I couldn't figure hers out. :) But since hers was mounted inside of a desk/table thing mine now sits on top with hers on the inside. Sewing was a large part of my grandmothers life and I remember so many things that I wore of decorated my room that she sewed. so having her a part of this is a big deal for me. Not many people know but my grandmother also had a baby that passed away, and like many they never really talked about it or shared it with many people. I don't think I knew until I was an adult. So even though my grandmother passed away almost two years ago I still want her to be involved.
I am so excited to be starting on this. It has been a dream for me for so long now. I hope this will turn into something bigger that I can get more people involved in and really start making a difference and raising awareness about baby loss. I have been tossing around ideas in my head about trying to donate to fire departments and such, but I think that is getting ahead of myself. For me this is the slow beginning to be big dream of starting a company or non profit to support others who have experienced the loss of their child.

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