Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Bringing awareness and memorializing your baby

It is so important to bring awareness to the subject of stillbirth, infant loss, and miscarriage. Their are some really great organizations and projects happening that are breaking the silence.

I have read and heard allot recently about memorializing our children. I thought about it and realized I had done this is a couple ways.

The first way I did it was but having his name engraved on the wall at children's memorial park. I have his dad to thank for this. He pushed for us to have it done, i was busy hoping that if i ignored it the pain would go away..it didn't work. I am so thankful we did it. I go there and take the kids there all the time. Every holiday i take pictures of the kids there. It is so peaceful and wonderful.

Kaleb and Bella putting star stickers by his name (march 2013)

I also have a tattoo on my back. It has the phrase that is written on Jacobs urn and his initials in angel wings surrounding Kaleb's initials and their birth date.  I had it done in October 2010 and I have never regretted it.

Bringing awareness has also been a much talked about subject. This is a subject I love. There is no reason that a grieving parent, whether mom or dad, should have to feel uncomfortable talking about their child. It doesn't matter how long your baby lived, it is still a life and to you that is your child. I have my own quiet ways of bringing awareness my favorite is wearing t-shirts that support programs and cause people to ask me questions. But even if they don't ask a question they just read the shirt they still think about it and maybe 1 or 2 people will go home and google it and realize that their are allot more people out there that are grieving the loss of a baby than they even realized.
Their is a documentary being made that is about bringing awareness to the baby loss community and breaking the silence. The STILL Project is wonderful and I encourage everyone to 'like' them on facebook and check out their website www.stillproject.org
There is also a movie being made called Return To Zero starring Minnie Driver. It is based on the true story of writer/director Sean Hanish. How amazing would it be to have this movie in theaters around the country. Imagine all the eyes that would be opened to this subject. Please 'like' them on facebook and check out there website www.returntozerothemovie.com

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